
9. Discomfort

Welcome to step 9, which focuses on the connection between emotions and physical discomfort.


Our bodies alert us when something isn’t working as it should, often through discomfort.


However, these signals can be difficult to interpret, and it’s easy to perceive the body’s messages as negative since they bring pain and limitations.


Fear and worry can also arise when we don’t understand the signals.


We often hear that when children find something uncomfortable, they get a stomachache. If you eat something your body doesn’t want or cannot tolerate, your body might signal this with a stomachache or diarrhea.


The body gives warnings in many ways. Some examples of discomfort include bloated stomach, gas, swelling, stiff fingers, and legs. Yes, the examples are many.


In this step, you will train yourself to become aware of when discomfort occurs, what it might mean, and how to manage it.