which was broken
I didn’t know that I had so many expectations.
In the time since I learned to overcome bad feelings, I became aware of my expectations. When they were fulfilled I was happy, when they were not fulfilled I got some kind of bad feeling.
I used the Stop Stress Exercise to overcome the bad feeling that arose as quickly as possible.
I did not show that my inner ideal images created my expectations.
The expectations, which have their origin in my inner images/ideal images of how the situation should be, have been created by the experiences I have made in my life.
In meeting other people, with different experiences, ideals and expectations, my expectations were constantly challenged. And got me into various bad feelings.
I did not show that it is possible to handle/overcome bad feelings.
The focus was to overcome the bad feelings that arose, when expectations were not met, as quickly as possible. As well as getting out of the bodily state I was triggered into.
Gradually I became less in bad feelings and more in good feelings.
I did not show that it is I myself who create my bad feelings.
For me it was a great discovery that it is myself and my expectations that are the cause of my bad feelings. It is in relationships with others that the bad feelings arise, but it is always my expectation that was violated.
I had to take responsibility for my own feelings, stop blaming others and make others do everything the way I wanted, in order for me to avoid getting into bad feelings.
I have been working on overcoming my bad feelings, becoming aware of my expectations and gradually I have become more and more in good feelings. Gain more inner peace and a harmonious life.
I didn’t show the consequences of my choices.
Better choices have been made and I have reduced the consequences of previous bad/emotional choices.
Therefore want to share the free mini-course with you.
Sign up for the mini-course if you want more inner peace and harmony in your everyday life, too.
It can be challenging to change yourself, but it is worth the effort.
I didn’t show that dealing with problems better is the very meaning of life.